Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Now Everyone Says Hello, Almost

Well today's message to Noel is not so depressing. We received Elijah's hat from my sister-in-law, Jennifer. Elijah cannot stop wearing it and it always makes Noel go, Elijah that is not your hat that is a girl's hat. So I thought that we would show our feminine side in this mornings video.

The triplets did their best to say hello last night when we were about to have dinner. I have been trying all week to capture them on video so that Noel could see them. Well last night was the best one so far and so I ran with it.

We miss you honey and hope that you stay safe. Have a safe trip on Friday, the children are going to beat you up because they have not played with you all week. Get ready you might want to pray to God for protection of all major organs and that when Jacob jumps on your stomach and ribs that they stay intact. I love you.

1 comment:

MultiTaskingMom said...

You've been tagged - see my blog.