Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Unforgettable

Have you ever had one of those days were the kids are not happy and nothing is going well? When you look back you do not remember those days but the days where your children make you laugh and do things that only they can do. The video that you are seeing is my daughter learning to do raspberries. These are the moments that we remember when we are having days were we do not understand how everything could be going so wrong.
In Sunday School we were talking about how those days are the days were we learn patients, kindness and hopefully understanding. I love my children and enjoy everything new they are learning in this great time of exploration. Walking, eating "grown-up" food, learning to share, learning to co-habitat with each other. Then when I think that everything is finally going to be great and calm and quiet....we put the fifth crib together. I know everyone is laughing and thinking, "Thank God I am not them." Please do come by and see the zoo.
Enjoy one of my moments with my children and smile because they are great when they come and great to remember when the day seems like it will never end.


Daryl & Diana said...

Hey I found your blog! Welcome to the blog wagon! I'm glad you liked your shower, and I'm thrilled that you guys are in our class now.

Nanna & Papa said...

We just loved this video of little Esther. We are so proud of the way you and Noel have handled being parents. We can see how you love your children. Dad and I love you all very much and pray God's continued Grace, Mercy, and patience as you continue on your road of life together with Him.

PopsW said...

Very cute, Please don’t let Uncle Sean pull her finger