Friday, June 5, 2009


Earlier I stated that the "safari" has decided it is there mission to destroy everything in their room. They learned that their cribs had wheels and where playing roller derby, then they figured out how to remove their side rails to the beds. Recently the "safari" has learned that the mattresses can come off as well as the sheets.

Outcome: The triplets were separated now Joshua sleeps in the room with Elijah and Esther and Jacob are roommates. The closet doors have been removed, the curtains are on 2X2 and hammered into the studs, so they cannot be removed. The wheels, side rails have been removed. All the clothes in the closets have been removed as well. Last week Noel and I decided after Elijah got hurt from jumping off his bed that it was time to remove the cribs from their room. So Elijah and Joshua sleep on their mattresses on the floor because they cannot be trusted with anything else. Noel is going to make them frames for their beds that do not have any hazards. Do not worry I am sure that the boys will find something. Now Esther and Jacob are about to lose their beds as well. The other night I went in there and found Jacob sleeping under his bed, his mattress on the floor and Esther sleeping under her bed. With them every night they are sleeping in different places.

Observations: When you put two toddlers in a room together they will find everything to tear up; it does not matter what it is attached to or what it is made out of. They say that boys are worse then girls but that depends on if the girl has a brother close in age, because my daughters are turning out to be just like the boys. Yep even Hannah is starting to act like one of the gang.

Last night was the straw that broke the camels' back. I went in to check on the dynamic duo to find that they had removed the sheets of their mattresses and then had begun to tear the material on the mattress up. So they were punished and I closed their door. I went down the hall to check on Jacob and Esther to find that Jacob was in his mattress and Esther had folded it in half and was laying on top of him; I am just glad that Esther does not weigh anything. After they got in trouble. I got to check on Hannah who is the best child with sleeping, for now anyway. As I was walking down the hall to go downstairs I checked on the dynamic duo again and now they had stripped their clothes off except for their diapers, because they were duct taped and they were tearing the mattress again. So I removed both mattresses, gave them a comforter and told them to have a nice night. I understand why so many people have written books about BOYS, thank you James Dobson, but I think that even he would laugh at Noel and I and tell us to pray more.

I thought I would let you have a picture of what the dynamic duo's room looked liked before last night. Every day is an adventure and I am glad that I can make you laugh. I know that is all that Noel and I can do and we laugh a lot.

1 comment:

cheryl said...

Oh man! They sure do like to keep you on your toes, those sweet little stinkers. ;o)
Hope things get better from here on out. You hate to ask what else they could possibly think of.